Of course, every tattoo i have has meaning to it, and i plan to continue putting more symbols on my body that i know I wont regret in the future firmly based on the motive i got the tattoo for. Right off the top of my head, i want to incorporate national symbols of the Philippines, a la, national bird (Philppine Eagle), national fish, national flower etc etc. At first i never liked the idea of the Koi fish, which is a symbol of Japan, but after reading that Koi fish have different meanings to it, like its color or the direction/way the Koi is swimming. If i come across a meaning of the Koi that i really love, its goin on my skin. And then, there are the Japanese symbols for Pride and Command that i really want somewhere. I already requested my cousin Bea to help me out w/ that. She's a genius w/ the culture of Japan.
And then of course, i still want to get the Philippine sun & stars. I know, I KNOW its played out but i really want it. I saw this pic online, and i'm gunna try to get somebody to design something like this for me.

I forgot to mention i'm going to duplicate the samurai that i already have on my right peck. Reason i decided to blog about it b/c i wanna jot down my ideas somewhere. If any of u steal my ideas, i'm gunna hurt u =]
try to keep it on the D/L to. Let me know your thoughts. PEACE!